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The Zone Active is a separate programme we have running alongside The Zone. Zone Active operates on a Wednesday and Friday and is a time for you to get active and fit with your friends.
On a Wednesday we have our karate coach, Emma from Kazen-Kai come in and teach us karate. All Wednesday Zone Active participants will become Kazen-Kai members and receive their Gis. Here they will work towards their gradings and it is a chance for them to work towards earning their karate belt! In the afternoon we head to Riverside Leisure Centre where we join the basketball session run by Sport For Confidence.
Fridays we make the most of being outdoors! We head to an Essex Outdoor Centre or to Skreens Park Activity Centre for a variety of different outdoor challenges!
If you want to find out more or book in a free taster day- Please get in touch.
Check out our timetables below

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